Investors wait Enbridge Energy Management, L.L.C. (NYSE:EEQ) to report on October, 2. its quarterly earningsWall Street analysts expect $0.27 EPS, up $0.25 or 1,250.00% from last year’s $0.02 same quarter earnings. This translates into $19.36M profit for EEQ giving the stock a 22.73 P/E. Of course only in case the $0.27 EPS is accurate. Enbridge Energy Management, L.L.C.’s Wall Street analysts see 68.75% EPS growth, taking into account the $0.16 EPS reproted in the previous quarter, The stock increased 0.74% or $0.18 on September 25, hitting $24.55. EEQ has declined 34.55% since February 23, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 26.10% the S&P500.
Out of 2 analysts covering Enbridge Energy Management LLC (NYSE:EEQ), 0 rate it “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 2 “Hold”. This means 0 are positive. Enbridge Energy Management LLC was the topic in 2 analyst reports since September 11, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.
The institutional sentiment increased to 2.15 in Q2 2015. Its up 0.09, from 2.06 in 2015Q1. The ratio is positive, as 11 funds sold all Enbridge Energy Management, L.L.C. shares owned while 35 reduced positions. 13 funds bought stakes while 86 increased positions. They now own 46.25 million shares or 4.88% less from 48.63 million shares in 2015Q1.
Hurley Capital Llc holds 13.52% of its portfolio in Enbridge Energy Management, L.L.C. for 337,697 shares. Energy Income Partners Llc owns 6.41 million shares or 3.91% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Eagle Global Advisors Llc has 2.39% invested in the company for 2.80 million shares. The New York-based Karpas Strategies Llc has invested 2.39% in the stock. Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors Lp, a California-based fund reported 9.85 million shares.
Enbridge Energy Management, L.L.C. , is a limited partner of Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. (Partnership), through its ownership of i-units, a special class of the Partnership’s limited partner interests. The company has a market cap of $1.76 billion. The Partnership owns and operates crude oil and liquid petroleum transportation and storage assets and natural gas gathering, treating, processing, transportation and marketing assets in the United States of America. It currently has negative earnings. The Enbridge Energy Company, Inc. (General Partner) owns all of its voting shares and is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Enbridge Inc., which is an energy transportation and distribution company, located in Calgary, Alberta and Canada.