Time to Buy Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc After Today’s Huge Decline?

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The stock of Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ENTA) is a huge mover today! The stock decreased 6.36% or $2.04 on December 11, hitting $30.02. About 265,712 shares traded hands or 8.19% up from the average. Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ENTA) has declined 15.84% since May 11, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 11.42% the S&P500.
The move comes after 5 months negative chart setup for the $599.97 million company. It was reported on Dec, 12 by Barchart.com. We have $27.32 PT which if reached, will make NASDAQ:ENTA worth $54.00 million less.

Out of 4 analysts covering Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ENTA), 2 rate it “Buy”, 1 “Sell”, while 1 “Hold”. This means 50% are positive. Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc was the topic in 7 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a biotechnology company. It engages in the research and development of molecule drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C virus, respiratory tract infections, intravenous and oral treatments. Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is headquartered in Watertown, Massachusetts.” Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc (ENTA).

The institutional sentiment increased to 1.98 in 2015 Q3. Its up 0.11, from 1.87 in 2015Q2. The ratio is positive, as 19 funds sold all Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc shares owned while 28 reduced positions. 32 funds bought stakes while 61 increased positions. They now own 21.48 million shares or 56.48% more from 13.73 million shares in 2015Q2.

Krensavage Asset Management Llc holds 9.55% of its portfolio in Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc for 730,308 shares. Apis Capital Advisors Llc owns 89,100 shares or 4.45% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Mcclain Value Management Llc has 4.42% invested in the company for 387,234 shares. The Washington-based Tieton Capital Management Llc has invested 3.09% in the stock. Consonance Capital Management Lp, a New York-based fund reported 570,662 shares.

Since May 12, 2015, the stock had 0 insider purchases, and 6 sales for $1.60 million net activity. Mellett Paul J sold 7,500 shares worth $300,743. Or Yat Sun sold 3,750 shares worth $160,884.

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