RadNet Inc. (NASDAQ:RDNT)’s Executive Vice President Michael Murdock Sold 771 Shares

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Michael Murdock Insider Sell

The Executive Vice President of Radnet Inc and firm’s insider Michael Murdock unloaded 771 shares of the California-based company calculated based on the stock price per share of $6.6 per each share. These shares have a market value of close to $5,089 USD. Michael is trying to silently decrease his company’s share, same as he did in the last 30 days. He unloaded another 25,000 shares worth $155,500 USD. The probability of this trade remaining ignored is extremely low due to its volume, with the Executive Vice President currently having 249,589 shares - that is 0.58% of the total market capitalization of Radnet Inc.

The institutional sentiment decreased to 0.76 in Q3 2015. Its down 0.28, from 1.04 in 2015Q2. The ratio fall, as 17 funds sold all RadNet Inc. shares owned while 34 reduced positions. 12 funds bought stakes while 27 increased positions. They now own 20.01 million shares or 9.23% less from 22.05 million shares in 2015Q2.

Weber Alan W holds 16.27% of its portfolio in RadNet Inc. for 3.26 million shares. Lansdowne Partners Austria Gmbh owns 10,715 shares or 2.57% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Cheyne Capital Management (Uk) Llp has 0.73% invested in the company for 280,000 shares. The Washington-based Rotella Capital Management Inc. has invested 0.41% in the stock. Tfs Capital Llc, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 604,061 shares.

Since March 23, 2015, the stock had 0 insider purchases, and 16 selling transactions for $1.44 million net activity. Hames Norman R sold 75,000 shares worth $463,200. Skulte Todd W sold 12,000 shares worth $83,430. Forthuber Stephen M sold 40,000 shares worth $268,800. Crues John V sold 10,000 shares worth $66,175. The insider Stolper Mark sold 50,000 shares worth $343,000.

The stock decreased 7.26% or $0.46 during the last trading session, hitting $5.88. About 232,641 shares traded hands. RadNet Inc. (NASDAQ:RDNT) has declined 27.87% since May 8, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 24.85% the S&P500.

More notable recent RadNet Inc. (NASDAQ:RDNT) news were published by: Streetinsider.com which released: “Form 4 RadNet, Inc. For: Dec 11 Filed by: Murdock Michael N” on December 12, 2015, also Nasdaq.com with their article: “RadNet, Inc. Announces the Addition of Lawrence Tanenbaum, M.D. to Its ..” published on September 22, 2015, Quotes.Wsj.com published: “News Radnet Inc.RDNT” on February 11, 2011. More interesting news about RadNet Inc. (NASDAQ:RDNT) were released by: Thestreet.com and their article: “RadNet Inc Stock Upgraded (RDNT)” published on August 14, 2014 as well as Thestreet.com‘s news article titled: “RadNet Inc Stock Downgraded (RDNT)” with publication date: July 25, 2014.

RadNet, Inc. is engaged in providing freestanding, fixed-site outpatient diagnostic imaging services in the United States. The company has a market cap of $292.41 million. The Firm has a network of around 293 owned and/or operated outpatient imaging centers, including around 74 facilities in the greater New York Metropolitan area. It has 25.41 P/E ratio. The Company’s core markets include California, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “RadNet, Inc., is a national market leader providing high-quality, cost-effective diagnostic imaging services through a network of fully-owned and operated outpatient imaging centers. RadNet offers to its patients and referring physicians the full spectrum of diagnostic imaging exams, including PET/CT, MRI, CT, Nuclear Medicine, Mammography, Ultrasound and X-ray, as well as numerous other procedures. RadNet utilizes best of breed technology to appropriately serve the medical communities in which it operates.” Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on RadNet Inc. (RDNT).

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