A Reversal for Frontline Ltd. Is Not Near. The Stock Declines Again

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The stock of Frontline Ltd. (FRO) is a huge mover today! The stock is down 4.88% or $0.16 after the news, hitting $3.12 per share. About 692,593 shares traded hands. Frontline Ltd. (NYSE:FRO) has risen 41.99% since April 9, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 42.44% the S&P500.
The move comes after 5 months negative chart setup for the $3.52 billion company. It was reported on Nov, 11 by Barchart.com. We have $2.00 PT which if reached, will make FRO worth $1.27 billion less.

Analysts await Frontline Ltd. (NYSE:FRO) to reports earnings on November, 24. They expect $0.05 EPS, up 133.33% or $0.20 from last year’s $-0.15 per share. FRO’s profit will be $56.41 million for 15.60 P/E if the $0.05 EPS becomes reality. After $0.11 actual EPS reported by Frontline Ltd. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -54.55% negative EPS growth.

According to Zacks, “FRONTLINE LTD’s business strategy is primarily based upon the following principles: emphasising operational safety and quality maintenance for all of its vessels; complying with all current and proposed environmental regulations; outsourcing technical operations and crewing; achieving low operational costs of vessels; achieving high utilisation of its vessels; competitive financing arrangements; and develop relationship to main charterers.”

A Reversal for Frontline Ltd. Is Not Near. The Stock Declines Again

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