The stock of DCP Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:DPM) is a huge mover today! The stock decreased 6.34% or $1.5 on December 11, hitting $22.15. About 683,321 shares traded hands or 22.16% up from the average. DCP Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:DPM) has declined 42.36% since May 11, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 37.95% the S&P500.
The move comes after 5 months negative chart setup for the $2.71 billion company. It was reported on Dec, 12 by We have $20.16 PT which if reached, will make NYSE:DPM worth $243.90 million less.
Out of 14 analysts covering DCP Midstream Partners LP (NYSE:DPM), 8 rate it “Buy”, 2 “Sell”, while 5 “Hold”. This means 53% are positive. DCP Midstream Partners LP was the topic in 8 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.
According to Zacks Investment Research, “DCP Midstream Partners, LP is a midstream master limited partnership that gathers, treats, compresses, processes, transports and markets natural gas and transports and markets natural gas liquids. DCP Midstream Partners, LP is managed by its general partner, DCP Midstream GP, LLC, which is wholly owned by Duke Energy Field Services, a joint venture between Duke Energy and ConocoPhillips. It is a midstream master limited partnership formed by Duke Energy Field Services to own, operate, acquire and develop a diversified portfolio of complementary midstream assets. Supported by its relationship with Duke Energy Field Services and its parents, Duke Energy and ConocoPhillips, it intend to acquire and construct additional assets and have a management team dedicated to executing our growth strategies.” Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on DCP Midstream Partners, LP (DPM).
The institutional sentiment increased to 0.79 in Q3 2015. Its up 0.09, from 0.7 in 2015Q2. The ratio is positive, as 27 funds sold all DCP Midstream Partners, LP shares owned while 43 reduced positions. 16 funds bought stakes while 39 increased positions. They now own 76.69 million shares or 0.73% more from 76.14 million shares in 2015Q2.
Ridgemont Partners Management Llc holds 5.67% of its portfolio in DCP Midstream Partners, LP for 226,190 shares. Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors Lp owns 12.04 million shares or 2.95% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Advisory Research Inc has 2.75% invested in the company for 7.99 million shares. The New York-based Heronetta Management L.P. has invested 2.07% in the stock. Eagle Global Advisors Llc, a Texas-based fund reported 2.40 million shares.
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