What Next for Prudential Financial Inc Stock After Today’s Bullish Options Activity?

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In today’s session Prudential Financial Inc (PRU) registered an unusually high (252) contracts volume of call trades. Someone, most probably a professional was a very active buyer of the March, 2016 call, expecting serious PRU increase. With 252 contracts traded and 6864 open interest for the Mar, 16 contract, it seems this is a quite bullish bet. The option with symbol: PRU160318C00092500 closed last at: $1.22 or 12.2% down. The stock decreased 3.71% or $3.11 on December 11, hitting $80.68. About 3.34 million shares traded hands or 50.45% up from the average. Prudential Financial Inc (NYSE:PRU) has declined 2.09% since May 8, 2015 and is downtrending. It has outperformed by 0.93% the S&P500.

Out of 16 analysts covering Prudential Financial (NYSE:PRU), 14 rate it “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 6 “Hold”. This means 70% are positive. Prudential Financial was the topic in 8 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.

The institutional sentiment decreased to 1.16 in 2015 Q3. Its down 0.06, from 1.22 in 2015Q2. The ratio dived, as 70 funds sold all Prudential Financial Inc shares owned while 233 reduced positions. 58 funds bought stakes while 292 increased positions. They now own 238.58 million shares or 12.65% less from 273.13 million shares in 2015Q2.

Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co holds 13.13% of its portfolio in Prudential Financial Inc for 1.03 million shares. Prosiris Capital Management Lp owns 189,200 shares or 7.98% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Capital Returns Management Llc has 6.11% invested in the company for 190,600 shares. The Japan-based Nippon Life Insurance Co has invested 5.21% in the stock. Lumbard & Kellner Llc, a New Hampshire-based fund reported 71,638 shares.

Since May 11, 2015, the stock had 0 buys, and 2 sales for $1.09 million net activity. Pelletier Stephen sold 10,690 shares worth $950,662. Lambert Richard F sold 1,561 shares worth $142,348. Blount Susan L sold 26,465 shares worth $2.38 million. Axel Robert sold 996 shares worth $88,026. The insider Falzon Robert sold 3,681 shares worth $318,075.

Prudential Financial, Inc. is a financial services company. The company has a market cap of $37.62 billion. The Company, through its subsidiaries and affiliates, provides a arrange of financial services and products, including life insurance, annuities, retirement-related services, mutual funds and investment management. It has 11 P/E ratio. The Firm has organized its principal activities into the Financial Services Businesses and the Closed Block Business.

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