SSE (LON:SSE) Rating
Investec currently has a GBX 1500 target price on the 14.48 billion GBP market cap company or 4.09% upside potential. In a note revealed to clients and investors on Friday morning, SSE (LON:SSE) stock had its “Hold” Rating kept by equity research analysts at Investec.
Out of 18 analysts covering SSE PLC (LON:SSE), 8 rate it “Buy”, 6 “Sell”, while 6 “Hold”. This means 40% are positive. GBX 1800 is the highest target while GBX 1225 is the lowest. The GBX 1508.94 average target is 3.82% above today’s (GBX 1445) stock price. SSE PLC was the topic in 46 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. AlphaValue maintained the stock on December 3 with “Add” rating. Bernstein maintained it with “Underperform” rating and GBX 1340 target price in a November 23 report. JP Morgan maintained the shares of SSE in a report on November 26 with “Underweight” rating. Goldman Sachs maintained the firm’s rating on November 19. Goldman Sachs has “Conviction Sell” rating and GBX 1225 price target. Finally, Citigroup maintained the stock with “Sell” rating in a November 24 report.
About 486,383 shares traded hands. SSE PLC (LON:SSE) has declined 7.48% since May 7, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 4.70% the S&P500.
More notable recent SSE PLC (LON:SSE) news were published by: Fool.Co.Uk which released: “United Utilities Group Plc & SSE Plc: What Do Recent Results Mean For …” on November 25, 2015, also Fool.Co.Uk with their article: “Do Crashing Oil & Gas Prices Mean Trouble For SSE plc And National Grid plc?” published on November 23, 2015, Fool.Co.Uk published: “Banco Santander SA, SSE PLC And Marks and Spencer Group Plc: Hot Bargains Or …” on November 18, 2015. More interesting news about SSE PLC (LON:SSE) were released by: and their article: “SSE plc. Webcast Presentation Now Available for On-demand Viewing: dbVIC …” published on November 23, 2015 as well as Fool.Co.Uk‘s news article titled: “Are Centrica PLC, SSE PLC And Drax Group Plc ‘Screaming Buys’?” with publication date: November 03, 2015.
SSE plc is a United Kingdom-based company engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity; in the production, storage, distribution and supply of gas, and in other energy-related services. The company has a market cap of 14.48 billion GBP. The Company’s divisions include Networks, which consists of electricity distribution, electricity transmission and gas distribution; Retail, which consists of energy supply, enterprise and energy-related services, and Wholesale, which consists of energy portfolio management and electricity generation, gas storage and gas production. It has 29.56 P/E ratio.
According to Zacks Investment Research, “Seventy Seven Energy Inc. is an oilfield services company. It is involved in drilling, hydraulic fracturing, rig relocation as well as other related services. The Company’s provides a range of well site services and equipment to the United States land-based exploration and production customers operating in unconventional resource plays. Seventy Seven Energy Inc. is based in United States.” Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on SSE PLC (SSE).
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