Maryjo O’brien Insider Trading for 5,000 Shares of NV5 Global Inc (NASDAQ:NVEE)

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Maryjo O’brien Insider Sell

After the disclosing of a report filled with U.S. Security & Exchange Commission; a huge insider transaction became apparent. The Ex VP - Chief Admin & Secretary of Nv5 Global Inc, Maryjo O’brien; made a huge transaction in the open market by selling 5,000 shares at the average share price which was $23.1 of the Pinksheet-listed company having a value near $115,640 U.S Dollars. It seems she is very active lately as in the last 30 days, she silently sold additional shares of the company, worth $ USD. The sell will most probably not remain undiscovered as it was significant. At the moment, she has ownership of a total of 76,468 shares or 0.95% of Nv5 Global Inc’s market capitalization (total value of the shares outstanding).

The institutional sentiment decreased to 1.21 in 2015 Q3. Its down 3.70, from 4.91 in 2015Q2. The ratio turned negative, as 14 funds sold all NV5 Holdings Inc shares owned while 14 reduced positions. 7 funds bought stakes while 27 increased positions. They now own 2.98 million shares or 51.20% less from 6.10 million shares in 2015Q2.

First Wilshire Securities Management Inc holds 2.58% of its portfolio in NV5 Holdings Inc for 529,054 shares. Manatuck Hill Partners Llc owns 260,000 shares or 2.06% of their US portfolio. Moreover, S Squared Technology Llc has 1.32% invested in the company for 61,000 shares. The Pennsylvania-based Millrace Asset Group Inc. has invested 1.23% in the stock. Ashford Capital Management Inc, a Delaware-based fund reported 225,466 shares.

Since August 25, 2015, the stock had 0 insider purchases, and 8 selling transactions for $2.53 million net activity. Alford Donald C sold 30,000 shares worth $544,113. Hockman Alexander A. sold 30,000 shares worth $549,000. O’brien Maryjo sold 2,000 shares worth $38,942. Tong Richard sold 26,100 shares worth $503,666.

The stock decreased 0.62% or $0.14 during the last trading session, hitting $22.29. About 39,368 shares traded hands or 4.72% up from the average. NV5 Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:NVEE) has risen 12.94% since May 8, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 15.96% the S&P500.

More notable recent NV5 Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:NVEE) news were published by: which released: “NV5 Holdings, Inc. (NVEE) Jumps: Stock Moves 11.6% Higher” on May 12, 2015, also with their article: “NV5 Holdings Inc. acquires two Chagrin Falls-based construction-related ..” published on November 04, 2014, published: “NV5 Holdings, Inc. Reduces the Exercise Price of Its Outstanding Public Warrants” on September 27, 2013. More interesting news about NV5 Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:NVEE) were released by: and their article: “NV5 Holdings’ (NVEE) CEO Dickerson Wright on Q4 2014 Results - Earnings Call ..” published on March 26, 2015 as well as‘s news article titled: “Is NV5 Holdings (NVEE) a Great Growth Stock?” with publication date: November 27, 2015.

NV5 Global, Inc., formerly NV5 Holdings, Inc. is a holding company. The company has a market cap of $182.24 million. The Firm provides professional and technical engineering and consulting solutions to public and private sector clients. It has 21.1 P/E ratio. It is involved in the infrastructure, energy, construction, real estate and environmental markets.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “NV5 Holding Inc. offers professional, technical consulting and certification solutions for public and private sector. The company focuses on business services which include construction quality assurance, infrastructure engineering, energy services, program management, and environmental services. It operates in California, Colorado, Utah, Florida and New Jersey. NV5 Holding Inc. is headquartered in Hollywood, Florida.” Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on NV5 Holdings Inc (NVEE).

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