Lloyd Miller Insider Investment for 95,049 Shares of Onvia, Inc. (NASDAQ:ONVI)

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Lloyd Miller Insider Buy

Lloyd Miller, the well informed man, who’s the current major shareholder of Onvia Inc invested in approximately 95,049 shares of the company worth around $356,434 U.S Dollars [Bold1][Based1] 3.8 U.S Dollars per share. It seems he is very active lately as in the last month, he silently acquired additional 4,487 shares of the company, worth $17,499 USD. Because it was a big one deal, it’s not likely to stay disregarded one. Lloyd Miller currently owns 891,859 shares or 11.85% of Onvia Inc’s total market cap (Market Capitalization is a measurement of business value based on share price and number of shares outstanding).

The institutional sentiment increased to 6 in Q2 2015. Its up 4.33, from 1.67 in 2015Q1. The ratio is positive, as 0 funds sold all Onvia, Inc. shares owned while 1 reduced positions. 2 funds bought stakes while 4 increased positions. They now own 2.86 million shares or 100.99% more from 1.42 million shares in 2015Q1.

Minerva Advisors Llc holds 0.98% of its portfolio in Onvia, Inc. for 402,553 shares. Diker Management Llc owns 504,988 shares or 0.38% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Concept Capital Markets Llc has 0.04% invested in the company for 23,562 shares. The New York-based Tocqueville Asset Management L.P. has invested 0.01% in the stock. Blackrock Institutional Trust Company N.A., a California-based fund reported 48 shares.

Since April 13, 2015, the stock had 1 buying transaction, and 2 sales for $154,877 net activity. Heyman Stephen J sold 100 shares worth $400. Miller Lloyd I Iii bought 44,077 shares worth $171,900.

It is down 16.84% since April 15, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 14.31% the S&P500.

Onvia, Inc. is a provider of business information and research solutions that help companies plan, market and sell to government agencies throughout the United States. The company has a market cap of $29.13 million. The Company’s business solutions provide clients online access to its information about government procurement activity across local, state and federal government agencies. It currently has negative earnings. The business intelligence derived from its solutions allows clients to identify and research new market opportunities, analyze market trends and obtain valuable insights about their competitors and channel partners.

Onvia.com Inc. is a leading business-to-business emarketplace for small business buyers and sellers. The emarketplace is designed to help small businesses succeed by providing a single online destination where small businesses can buy and sell services and products, exchange valuable news, product and service information and access productivity tools. The company designed the emarketplace to incorporate all of these functions so that small businesses can conduct e-commerce and exchange information without leaving our web site.

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