Apg Asset Management Us Inc Increased Equity One (NYSE:EQY) by $19.78 Million as Shares Rose

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Apg Asset Management Us Inc increased its stake in Equity One (NYSE:EQY) by 72% based on its latest Q3 2015 regulatory filing with the SEC. Apg Asset Management Us Inc bought 824,000 shares as the company’s stock rose 2.74% while stock markets declined. The institutional investor held 1.97M shares of the consumer services company at the end of Q3, valued at $47.91M, up from 1.14M at the end of the previous reported quarter. Apg Asset Management Us Inc who had been investing in Equity One since many months, is probably bullish the $3.35B market cap company. The stock decreased 1.52% or $0.4 on December 11, hitting $25.85. About 3.71M shares traded hands or 392.20% up from the average. Equity One, Inc. (NYSE:EQY) has risen 3.98% since May 11, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 8.40% the S&P500.

Apg Asset Management Us Inc, which manages about $71.11B and $11.28 billion US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in Forest City Enterprises Inc (NYSE:FCE.A) by 1.22M shares to 1.32M shares, valued at $26.59M in Q3, according to the filing. It also reduced its holding in Chambers Str Pptys (NYSE:CSG) by 2.15M shares in the quarter, leaving it with 3.53M shares, and cut its stake in Taubman Ctrs Inc (NYSE:TCO).

Apg Asset Management Us Inc is a New York-based institutional investor with more than $71.11 billion AUM in November, 2014. This fund invests only a small percentage of its assets in equities and options. Apg Asset Management Us Inc is the 75th largest institutional investor in our database. Taken from Apg Asset Management Us latest Adv, the fund reported to have 119 full and part-time employees. Among which 49 performing investment advisory and research functions. The institutional investor had between 1-10 clients.

The institutional sentiment decreased to 0.9 in Q3 2015. Its down 0.45, from 1.35 in 2015Q2. The ratio dived, as 16 funds sold all EQY shares owned while 71 reduced positions. 22 funds bought stakes while 56 increased positions. They now own 80.60 million shares or 13.34% more from 71.12 million shares in 2015Q2.

Independent Order Of Foresters holds 0.64% of its portfolio in EQY for 30,770 shares. Shinko Asset Management Co. Ltd. owns 2.58 million shares or 0.6% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Huntington Asset Advisors Inc. has 0.47% invested in the company for 47,500 shares. The North Carolina-based Global Endowment Management Lp has invested 0.44% in the stock. Apg Asset Management Us Inc., a New York-based fund reported 1.97 million shares.

Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on Equity One, Inc. (EQY).

Out of 12 analysts covering Equity One (NYSE:EQY), 2 rate it “Buy”, 3 “Sell”, while 9 “Hold”. This means 14% are positive. Equity One was the topic in 7 analyst reports since August 20, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.

More news for Equity One, Inc. (NYSE:EQY) were recently published by: Nasdaq.com, which released: “Ex-Dividend Reminder: Equity One, QTS Realty Trust and Rayonier” on December 11, 2015. Seekingalpha.com‘s article titled: “Equity One: A Shopping Center REIT For 2017?” and published on December 05, 2015 is yet another important article.

Equity One, Inc. is a real estate investment trust . The company has a market cap of $3.35 billion. The Firm owns, manages, acquires, develops and redevelops shopping centers and retail properties located in supply constrained suburban and urban communities. It has 56.64 P/E ratio. The Company’s subsidiaries include DIM Vastgoed, N.V. and C&C (US) No. 1, Inc.

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